2000 Hall of Fame Inductees

Bro. Edmond J. Oliver
Bro. Emory Jackson
Bro. Dan Kennon, Jr
* Graduated from Tuskegee Institute (University)
* Received Master’s Degree in Education from Alabama State University
* Authored the book, The End of An Era, which told the story of black education in Fairfield
* The Fruits of his Labor is his biography written by John B. Davis
* President of Fairfield and Alabama State Teachers Associations
* Omega Chapter
* Graduated from Morehouse College with Bachelor’s Degree with majors in English, Economics and Education
* Served as a sports writer and book reviewer for the Birmingham World in 1934
* Became Managing Editor of paper in 1941
* Served in the Army during World War II
* Well known advocate during the Civil Rights Movement
* Omega Chapter
Read more about Bro. Jackson here
* 1992 Inductee into the National Black College Alumni Hall of Fame
* Established an endowment fund for Talladega College students
* Served as President of the Talladega National Alumni Association
* Omega Chapter

Bro. Henry J. Williams
Bro. Clyde S. Kirby
Bro. Wiley Daniels, Sr.
* Alpha Phi Chapter Basileus 1968-70
* First Black appointed to Birmingham Board of Education by the City Council
* 44th Annual Achievement Week winner of the Citizen of the Year Award
* Owner of Kirby Insurance Agency
* Omega Chapter
* Alpha Phi Chapter Basileus 1950-53
2001 Hall of Fame Inductees

Bro. Jesse Champion, Sr.
Bro. Abraham Jones, Sr.
Bro. Robert L. “Bob“ Thomas
* Outstanding radio personality
* Served as State and District Director of Public Relations
* Served as Chapter editor to the Oracle
* Served on the Talent Hunt Committee
* Inducted into the Alabama Jazz Hall of Fame
* Recipient of the National and District 50 year service award
* Charter Member of the Nu Epsilon Chapter (Alabama A&M University) 1948
* Omega Chapter
* Charter Member of Eta Epsilon (Miles College) 1947
* Original Signatory of 864 8th Street West Facility
* Vice Basileus of Alpha Phi
* Chairman of the Accreditation Committee for City of Birmingham
* Served as Principal to several Birmingham City Schools
* Member of Macedonia Baptist Church, Ensley
* Omega Chapter
* Alpha Phi Chapter Basileus 1978-80
2002 Hall of Fame Inductees

Bro. Orzell Billingsley, Esq.
Bro. Judge Oscar Adams, Jr.
Bro. James H. Stone
* Earned J.D. from Howard University
* One of first 10 Blacks admitted to the Alabama Bar
* One of the lead attorneys for Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr
* Legal Advocate for African Americans during the Civil Rights Movement
* Worked tirelessly on voter registration and voting rights for Blacks in Alabama
* Known for Alabama case Reynold vs Sims – One Man One Vote – 1962
* Omega Chapter
* Received J.D. from Howard University
* First African American to serve in a statewide constitutional office in Alabama history
* Appointed Associate Justice to Alabama Supreme Court in 1980
* Elected to the position in 1982 and 1988
* Retired from the Alabama Supreme Court in 1993
* Alpha Phi Omega Man of the Year 1971
* Omega Chapter
* Army Veteran
* IHQ Life Member #6
* Recipient of the Alpha Phi Superior Service Award in 1988
* Recipient of the Alpha Phi Founders Award in 1990 & 1994
* Served as Alpha Phi Keeper of Finance for 37 consecutive years
* Served as District Auditor from 1989 -1993
* Omega Chapter

Bro. Coach William Coger
Bro. Samuel O’Neal
Bro. Robert C. Johnson
* Bachelors of Science and Masters of Education from Alabama State University
* Outstanding Collegiate Football player
* Educator for the Jefferson County Board of Education
* Served as House Chairman of Omega Fraternal Association
* Omega Chapter
* President of Citizens Federal Saving and Loan Association
* Basileus of Alpha Phi Chapter
* Instrumental in the purchase of 864 8th Street West Facility
* Known as an innovator and practitioner of sound business practices
* Widely recognized as leader in the Birmingham community
* Omega Chapter
* Bachelors Degree from Talladega College
* Pursued Masters Degree from Fisk University
* Came from family of educators
* Served as Principal of A. H. Parker High School
* Omega Chapter

Bro. Robert “Bob” Marshall
* Graduated from Immaculate Catholic High School
* Graduated from Morehouse College
* Served as an Insurance Executive
* Served as 7th District Keeper of Finance
* Omega Chapter
2003 Hall of Fame Inductees

Bro. Rev. James L. Myers
Bro. James “Duck” Turner
Bro. Horace Moore
* Initiated in Psi Phi 1948
* Alpha Phi Omega Man of the Year 1976
* IHQ Life Member #3067
* Religious Leader of the Year – 1993
* Served as Alabama State Chaplain
* Anniversary Citation and Pin for 50 years of service 1999
* Omega Chapter
* Initiated into Eta Epsilon in 1952
* B.A. Mathemathics from Miles College 1954
* M.A. Math Education from U.A.B. in 1977
* Educator on Grade School and Collegiate Level
* Basileus of Eta Epsilon and Alpha Phi Chapters
* Founder of the Alpha Phi Hall of Fame in 2000
2004 Hall of Fame Inductees

Bro. Wallace Jackson
Bro. John Jackson
Bro. John J. Drew
* Initiated Lambda Epsilon Chapter in 1955
* Negotiated the establishment of Kappa Delta Chapter at U.A.B.
* Past President of The National Alliance of Postal and Federal Employees
* Served as 7th District Chairman of Social Action in 1988
* Only Consecutive 3 term Basileus in the history of Alpha Phi
* Omega Chapter
* Initiated in Eta Epsilon Chapter in 1949
* Received B. A. from Miles
* Received Masters in Education from Alabama State in 1953
* Served as the first Assistant Principal of Hueytown High School
* Held positions of Vice Basileus, Keeper of the Peace, Parliamentarian and Assistant Chaplain
* Omega Chapter
* Graduate of Morehouse College
* President of Alexander and Company General Insurance Agency
* Omega Chapter
2005 Hall of Fame Inductees

Bro. Louis C. Rodgers
Bro. Haze Thomas
Bro. Dr. Arthur Harold Parker
* Initiated at Eta Epsilon in 1949
* Received B.A. from Miles College
* Served as the Secretary of Miles College Alumni Association
* Alpha Phi Omega Man of the Year 1979
* Served as Assistant KRS
* Initiated at Eta Epsilon in 1955
* Received B.A. from Miles
* Retired Educator
* Recipient of the Founders Award 1972
* Alpha Phi Omega Man of the Year 2000
* Served as Keeper of Peace and Assistant KRS
* Omega Chapter
* Initiated at Gamma Psi Chapter
* Began teaching at Slater School in 1888
* Became Principal of Cameron Elementary School in 1892
* Became Teacher and Principal at Industrial High School in 1900
* School renamed in his honor in 1939 upon his retirement
* Omega Chapter
2006 Hall of Fame Inductees

Bro. Saunders C. Walker, PhD
Bro. Augustus Bates
Bro. Isaac Ephraim Sr.
* Initiated at Gamma Psi
* Received B.A. from Talladega College in 1929
* Received M.A. from University of Michigan
* Attained Doctor of Philosophy from Western Reserve University in 1952
* Director of English Dept. at Fort Valley State College 1967 – 1976
* Alpha Phi Omega Man of the Year 1989
* Initiated at Nu Epsilon
* Served in the United States Air Force
* Retired from the US Postal Service
* Recipient of the Alpha Phi Founder’s Award
* Served on several committees
* Member of the Tuskegee Airman during World War II
* Received B.A. from Tuskegee in 1945
* Served as President and Vice President of the Smithfield Neighborhood Association
* President of the Fairfield Education Association
2007 Hall of Fame Inductees

Bro. Elijah Hill
Bro. Joseph A. Stanford
Bro. Samuel Evans
* Inducted into the Jazz Hall of Fame in 1982
* Served as KRS for many years
* Named Alpha Phi Omega Man of the Year in 1971
* Business Representative for the Local 256-733 American Federation of Musicians
* Bimingham City School Teacher for 37 years
2008 Hall of Fame Inductees

Bro. Clarence L. Brown
Bro. Clifton T. Griffin
Bro. Dr. Frederic G. “Rick” Ransom better known as “Doc Rock”
* 3 time Basileus of Alpha Phi Chapter (1975, 1976, & 1982)
* 1975 Associate Chairperson of the Birmingham – Talladega Area United Negro College Fund Campaign
* 1981 President, Blacks in Government, Inc.
* 1981 thru 1983 President of Board of Directors, Vulcan Kiwanis Club
* 1982 & 2006 “Omega Man of the Year”
* 1983 Superior Service Award
* 1991 Citizen of the Year
President – Birmingham Urban League
* 2008 Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. Conclave’s Grand Marshall
* 4 time Basileus of Alpha Phi Chapter (1977, 1978, 1986 & 1987)
* 1977 & 1987 “Omega Man of the Year”
* 1979-1980 & 1996-2000 Alabama State Representative for Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.
* 1983-1984 Alabama State Director of Public Relations for Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.
* 1989 Who’s Who of Greater Birmingham honoree
* 1990 & 1994 Superior Service Award
* 1992 District Director of Recommendations – 7thDistrict of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.
* Initiate Psi Chapter – Spring 1965
* Denied admission to Talladega College (home of Gamma Psi)
* Graduated Magna Cum Laude – Morehouse College
* 4th Black to be accepted to the UAB School of Medicine
* Board Certified in Internal Medicine
* Clinical Director of the UAB Emergency Department
* Established many Level I trauma centers in Alabama
* President of the Alabama Chapter of the American College of Emergency Physicians
* Assistant Professor of Medicine at UAB
2009 Hall of Fame Inductees

Bro. James Bonner
Bro. Robert Holmes Jr.
Bro. (Dr.) Johnny Scott
* 38 year member of Alpha Phi Chapter
* Basileus of Alpha Phi Chapter
* Other Alpha Phi Offices held include: Vice Basileus, Chaplin, Keeper of the Peace
* Help charter Kappa Delta Chapter (U.A.B) of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Incorporated
* Recipient of several Service Medals – Vietnam Campaign
* 1977 Kappa Delta Pi Honor Society in Education Inductee
* 1987 Dedicated Service Award recipient
* 1988 Outstanding Leadership Award –
Alabama Association of Multicultural Counseling
* 1989 Educational Leader of the Year
* 1998 Omega Man of the Year * 1999 Founder’s Award recipient
* 2002 Scroll of Honor Award recipient
Alpha Phi Chapter, Birmingham, Al
* Held office of Basileus
* Chaired budget committee
* Chairman of Omega Fraternal Association
* Alabama State Representative 1974- 1980
* Rho Alpha Chapter, Mobile, Al
Chairman of the Board
See-It-Through Foundation
* 7th District Corporate Chair of 75th Grand Conclave
* 39th Grand Basileus Candidate
* National Association of Veterans Affairs Chiefs of Nuclear Medicine
Member (1986 – present )
President (1993 – 1994)
* A.G. Gaston Boys Club, Board of Directors, Member
* University Management Council Representative – NCAA
* Alabama Oversight Commission on Sickle Cell Disease
* Vice Chair (1998 – 2001)
* 2007 Alabama Athletic Training Board of Directors
* Boys Scouts of America, Birmingham Central District, Board of Directors
* Several Published Works Including:
22 Manuscripts
8 Abstracts
Co-author of 5 books